Pierson (Ekklang).

in Korat Thailand in 1953. Married for 41 years. Three
grown children in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Lived
in the United States (Fort Hood, Rapid City, Alexandria,
Fort Campbell, Fort Bliss, and Fort Harrison)
Belgium, Saudi Arabia and Japan, as Joel served 30 years
as a soldier and 10 as a civilian for Dept of the
Enjoys gardening, the farm, cooking, photography and helping at the Wat (Buddhist Temple).
E. Pierson

in Pennsylvania in 1945. Served 40 years with
DoD retiring from the Active Army in 1996 and civil
service in 2006. Currently retired and living
in Nakhon Ratachasima (Korat) Thailand.
Currently I'm tinkering with a personal weather station, this website, photography, gardening and our farm. It keeps me busy, but not too busy.
Our Children & Grandchildren

We have three children, two grandsons and a granddaughter. Jessica and Lisa live in Colorado Springs, Colorado and Anthony lives in Bloomington, Minnesota.
Our oldest daughter is Lisa, she is seated with my grandson in above photo, Avatar Lee Thorpe, who was born on June 14, 2008. In the back is our next daughter Jessica and our son Anthony.
Avatar Pictures

Our second grandson, Zander Thorpe, was born at 0345 13 January 2012. 21 inches long and 8 pounds 4 ounces.

Meet Aranea Joelle-Lynn Thorpe! She was born at 4:52am 19 August 2014, weighing in at 6 lbs 8 oz, and is 19 1/2 inches!
